Sunday, May 8, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I have certainly come along way in my PLN status. If I consider the fact that I did not even know what a PLN was a few months ago I can only make positive reflection on where I am. Technology has proved to me that it something that everyone should be more knowledgeable about. I have several sources associated with my PLN network that I had also never knew existed until this EDM310 class.
Project 16
I want to begin by saying that the group I have worked with in EDM310 this semester has been wonderful. We have all pooled our strengths together to produce great projects. Which leads me to introduce our final project as a group for EDM310 Spring semester. We learned a great deal about the advantages of technology in classrooms through the various assignments from Dr. Strange. I honestly had no idea the endless opportunities that technology can provide teachers, students, and parents. This is why we decided to create wiki to inform others about tech funding and resources. Our wiki several resources for people to explore and educate themselves with. Please explore and feel free to give any feedback. Thanks to everyone who has helped me and my group learn so much about technology and the advantages we can pass on to others.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Summary Post C4T #4
I'm a 6th grade teacher from Iowa in my fifth year of teaching who loves learning. I am on twitter at @MrsBMG.
We need to revive the learning spaces we have. They need to feel more natural, welcoming, home-like.
I'm not sure I'm a fan of grade-levels. My son walked at 13 months. Some kids walk at 9 months. Some don't walk until 15 months. Trying to cram all these kids in the same room and teach them the same thing just because they're of the same age isn't quite working.
To encourage people to do the arts, we need to make them a priority in our schools. Right now, we basically label some subjects as useful and some as useless.
Life is based on diversity. We don't want canned results, yet we treat all students as if they're on the college route.
Many times, students leave school not knowing what they're good at.
Talents aren't discovered because we get too focused on standards/benchmarks.
We need to give students time to explore things outside the "curriculum."
"Covering curriculum” is focusing on teaching, not on learning.
We're focusing on learning stuff instead of how to learn.
We need to be more of a "guide on the side" and not the "sage on the stage."
Her latest post on her blog is about how others have recognized her with appreciation of her blog. She wasn't sure if all her tweeting and blogging was doing anyone any good and YES IT has! Hearing how she has helped others made her feel "humbled and uplifted." The picture on her blog post is a canvas bag that says "One person can make a difference and everyone should try." This is a small thought that we should all try to achieve everyday. It does not matter how big or small. What is small to us could be BIG to someone else, it's worth taking the chance for.
C4K Comments 7-10
One of the students I was assigned had to pair with a fellow student to learn about a country neither of them knew anything about. I think this is a great idea for students. Geography is a subject that is not taught very much in lower grades. I think if students were more exposed to it then perhaps they would be more interested in it. These two particular classmates learned about Brazil.
I was assigned a student named Jaden from Mrs. Yollis's 3rd grade class to blog also. This was a riot! Jaden and some of his other classmates decided to have a blog mascot. He choose a chipmunk as his mascot, which he named "Mr.CA." Jaden goes into great detail about the mascot telling what he likes, interest, and who his fellow friend mascots are as well. This is very creative way for children to use their imagination.
I was assigned a student named Jaden from Mrs. Yollis's 3rd grade class to blog also. This was a riot! Jaden and some of his other classmates decided to have a blog mascot. He choose a chipmunk as his mascot, which he named "Mr.CA." Jaden goes into great detail about the mascot telling what he likes, interest, and who his fellow friend mascots are as well. This is very creative way for children to use their imagination.
Blog Post #13
I have to say that is a website that everyone affilated with the education system should have tagged as a favorite. It is amazing at the resources that are available through this website. I am so glad I was assigned to research the site from both a teaching and parenting perspective. There is WEB links for teachers, administration, students, and parents. It does not matter what spectrum of the education system you are part of this website has useful information for you.
Some of the main areas of the website are Courses of Study, Web Links, Lesson Plans, General Search, Personal Workshops, Podcast Treasury, and ALEXVILLE global communities. I really liked the Students Web links because it allows students to explore other reputable websites that encourage them to better themselves in areas they need help with. It extremely user friendly. I encourage you to explore the website!
I have to say that is a website that everyone affilated with the education system should have tagged as a favorite. It is amazing at the resources that are available through this website. I am so glad I was assigned to research the site from both a teaching and parenting perspective. There is WEB links for teachers, administration, students, and parents. It does not matter what spectrum of the education system you are part of this website has useful information for you.
Some of the main areas of the website are Courses of Study, Web Links, Lesson Plans, General Search, Personal Workshops, Podcast Treasury, and ALEXVILLE global communities. I really liked the Students Web links because it allows students to explore other reputable websites that encourage them to better themselves in areas they need help with. It extremely user friendly. I encourage you to explore the website!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
BLog Post #12
I think one of the assignments for future EDM 310 students should be to interview previous EDM 310 alumni student whom is actually teaching in a classroom. The current student should be responsible for interviewing the alumni about how or what they learned from EDM 310 that they are now using in classrooms. What advantages or things did they learn from the class that they are implementing in their own classroom? The interview can be done via phone, email, Skype or in person. I am not able to do this suggestion because I do not know a EDM 310 alumni that is teaching in a present classroom but look forward to possibly reading next semesters blog to see if they are assigned this and what responses are given.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Blog Post 14/Special Assignment
Reflecting back on Tom Johnson's post I know why I missed the metaphor. Everything in the class is based on how technology can help everyone, both in and out of the classroom. I feel that those thoughts are my only focus when doing any of the assignments. When I came into this class I was not technology literate. When I am working on assignment I find myself being very focused and straight forward thinking. Majority of the assigned blog post we have had either completely for or completely against technology. I think this why I was focusing on the side that was not want pro-technology.
It is strange how things seem cycle around. Just yesterday I used a metaphor while talking to my son and he asked "Why can't you just say what you mean?" I could only laugh thinking about my EDM310 class. You are full of bologna, Come on turtle (talking to my son), you little chicken, you are pulling my leg, silly as a goose, when pigs fly, on cloud 9, are some of the metaphors I have heard in the past few days.
Teachers can help students understand that metaphors are words used in place of the normal words often adjectives. Using odd wording can often get a listeners attention better than the normal vocabulary used to describe something or someone. Metaphors can often also often add humor to situations. When things (statements, ideas, concepts) are taken out of their normal context it is more likely that something will stand out and be remembered. Metaphors are also used to show great comparison or similarity of two things that are not usually related or linked together.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Blog Post #11
Ms.Cassidy actually gives hope to teaching technology in elementary school. How and what she teaches is what children at this age are familiar with. As adults in today's world we are having to learn to live around and with technology, children of today are born with it. They are being taught to use technology in a safe and educational setting. There are too many teachers and parents who are not aware of all the benefits that children have when they have access to such controlled and monitored learning networks. This would be an exceptional video for anyone to watch to learn how beneficial internet is to education. It amazes me that Ms.Cassidy is teaching first graders what I am learning in college.
The Skype video with Ms. Cassidy was amazing and inspiring. She is such a professional on so many levels. I am so glad to see what teachers such as Ms.Cassidy are teaching the children and safety with the internet. Safety and privacy is a very controversial issue when it comes to using technology in classrooms. She does a remarkable job teaching safety to her children.
Special Assignment!!!
Well, well Mr. McClung is a teacher that has certainly set the bar for others to follow. His creativity, organization, and dedication are qualities that everyone could learn from. His blog is meticulously designed with everyone in mind. He has considered parents, students, colleagues, and the public. I would certainly have to give him props for his passion for everyone involved in his learning network.
His rules that he has posted on his blog for everyone to be aware of is very clear for everyone to understand. I think it is wonderful that he encouraging his students to know immediately that they will learn to carry on conversations in such a disciplined respectful manner.
DAY PLANNER, I couldn’t agree more needs to be the first on the must have list. It is such an essential tool in being organized. I think students should be introduced to planners in classrooms at earlier ages. Planners will definitely be a must for my classroom as well.
Mr. McClung and Dr.Strange has either talked or took one anthers advice on the rules of grades and deadlines. I recall a notice informing me that if the mid-term questionnaire was not filled out by the deadline that it would be a deduction of 1 letter grade. This rule certainly gives incentive for being punctual with assignments.
Mr.McClung’s approach with his blog being a “vehicle” is brilliant. We use vehicles to drive us places his blog can do the very same thing. His blog can take you from one place to the next. This is a wonderful tool that a teacher can provide a student.
There was also 2 links that I explored, Convince Me and Discovery Education. Convince Me is a debate website that allows people to discuss controversial and current issues going on in the world. It is wonderful because it can allow you to hear others opinions which you may have never considered before. The Discovery Education website is designed to help teachers, students, administrators, and parents. I will with a doubt go back to it for help with my son and his homework.
Teach Someone Something Project #14
I thought really hard about this project because there is something very simple I had learned in EDM310 this semester that I think everyone should know. Majority of people I would say do not think about blind people being able to use a computer. I had not thought about it myself until Dr. Strange informed my class that it is a law that when pictures are posted on websites or blogs that there is a code in the HTML that must be placed in order for audio to blind people exploring the internet to be able to know what is being shown. With all that said, my mother owns her own rental property business and has a website that has photos of all of her homes for rent. I asked her if she has ever thought about blind people wanting to make reservations from her website and as I assumed the thought never crossed her mind. I began to explain to her how simple the HTML modifier was to allow audio to explain/describe her photos on her website.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Blog Post #10
Well on Moragan Bayda's blog I read her story and watched the video Dan Brown made. I can see from a teacher's perspective, like Ms. Bayda, why she would want to share this video with others. It is bluntly a fact that the methods of teaching have not changed any where near the pace that technology has advanced. Dan Brown keeps talking about the way that education is institutionalized and he is very accurate with that description in my personal opinion and experience. The primary effort and financial resources should be used in the secondary and higher education levels.
The economy is a major factor in the lack of resources that are available to students especially in the public school system. It would be nice to only focus on the advancement of that technology would give our children. Unfortunately the reality is that while we are learning about all the unlimited advantages that our children could have with the numerous websites, computer programs, and gadgets it is not reality that they will have access to them. I 100% agree Dan Brown that the methods used to teach to children need to be revised. The attention and focus of children today is not what it used to be years ago. Technology is a factor in that. They are used to having interactive video games, social networking and immediate answers. We can’t really expect them to be attentive for a long time without being distracted. College students, whom are considered to be adults, can not even seem to sit in lecture classes without falling asleep, texting or web searching on their lap tops. How can we possibly think that children can keep their focus?
One of the most resourceful and genius things that I have read about a teaching doing that would actually use technology to the best advantage for the children was from Jeff Utecht. His blog is title is “The thinking stick.” He tells about a teacher named Brian Bennett. You can read about him on my blog post CAT #3. Mr. Bennett used technology to put his lesson plan in technology format. Therefore, when he taught he wasn’t spending time flipping through a book, looking for his next material, or having to return to a desk to get the next information. This was genius. He used his time out of class to prepare and teach the lesson so that in class he was available to student’s answer questions rather spend time searching for papers, erasers or etc.
While the grand idea that Dan Brown has is true it is not practical and we have to be realistic in what we have to work with. The dream of being able to teach with Ipads, web cameras and so forth is just that a dream. We can all aspire to have those abilities one day. In the mean time we need to focus on what things we do have and how to make those things more modern and interesting to the children.
So, there is this person named Tom Johnson who does not think that children should take pencils home. Most anyone reading this is probably thinking what in the heck could be his reason and that it possibly can not make sense. I thought so from the initial sentence and I still think so after reading the entire blog post. He goes on to say that they are some kind of negative effect on standardized test the children take and that they are dangerous. It is true they can be dangerous if the children are allowed to use them as weapons and go around stabbing other children. Yes this has been known to have happened before however far from the normal reason children have pencils at home.
In the grand scheme of school a pencil is one of the most used and requested items that a teacher asks a student to bring to class. If they are used to having it all at school perhaps taking it home might just encourage them to use it there as well. I would much rather my children have the supply to write or draw regardless of where they are. This will only allow them to learn, create and/or explore.
The economy is a major factor in the lack of resources that are available to students especially in the public school system. It would be nice to only focus on the advancement of that technology would give our children. Unfortunately the reality is that while we are learning about all the unlimited advantages that our children could have with the numerous websites, computer programs, and gadgets it is not reality that they will have access to them. I 100% agree Dan Brown that the methods used to teach to children need to be revised. The attention and focus of children today is not what it used to be years ago. Technology is a factor in that. They are used to having interactive video games, social networking and immediate answers. We can’t really expect them to be attentive for a long time without being distracted. College students, whom are considered to be adults, can not even seem to sit in lecture classes without falling asleep, texting or web searching on their lap tops. How can we possibly think that children can keep their focus?
One of the most resourceful and genius things that I have read about a teaching doing that would actually use technology to the best advantage for the children was from Jeff Utecht. His blog is title is “The thinking stick.” He tells about a teacher named Brian Bennett. You can read about him on my blog post CAT #3. Mr. Bennett used technology to put his lesson plan in technology format. Therefore, when he taught he wasn’t spending time flipping through a book, looking for his next material, or having to return to a desk to get the next information. This was genius. He used his time out of class to prepare and teach the lesson so that in class he was available to student’s answer questions rather spend time searching for papers, erasers or etc.
While the grand idea that Dan Brown has is true it is not practical and we have to be realistic in what we have to work with. The dream of being able to teach with Ipads, web cameras and so forth is just that a dream. We can all aspire to have those abilities one day. In the mean time we need to focus on what things we do have and how to make those things more modern and interesting to the children.
So, there is this person named Tom Johnson who does not think that children should take pencils home. Most anyone reading this is probably thinking what in the heck could be his reason and that it possibly can not make sense. I thought so from the initial sentence and I still think so after reading the entire blog post. He goes on to say that they are some kind of negative effect on standardized test the children take and that they are dangerous. It is true they can be dangerous if the children are allowed to use them as weapons and go around stabbing other children. Yes this has been known to have happened before however far from the normal reason children have pencils at home.
In the grand scheme of school a pencil is one of the most used and requested items that a teacher asks a student to bring to class. If they are used to having it all at school perhaps taking it home might just encourage them to use it there as well. I would much rather my children have the supply to write or draw regardless of where they are. This will only allow them to learn, create and/or explore.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
CAT #3 Summary
Post 1
The Thinking Stick blog is by Jeff Utecht. He is an international educator, educational technology consultant, and author that teaches in Middle East Asia. The first blog post I was assigned to comment was "Standards and Benchmarks are Crap."
Mr. Utecht has had an opinion for awhile but refrained from speaking his thoughts because it was not expressed my many others. He goes on to tell that one day in conversation his thoughts of Standards and Benchmark became public knowledge.
I love this comment in his post:
Here's ISB's Definition of Learning:
Learning is the primary focus of our school and we recognize learning as a life-long adventure. We value meaningful learning where students construct enduring understanding by developing and applying knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Increased understanding is evidenced by students who:
* Explain its relevance
* Describe how it connects to or conflicts with prior learning
* Communicate it effectively to others
* Generalize and apply it effectively to new situations
* Reflect critically on their own and other's learning
* Ask questions to extend learning
* Create meaningful solutions
Post 2
I had never heard of "reverse instruction" before reading Mr.Utecht's blog.In his post titled "Flipping for Mr. Bennett" he tells about a teacher is has watched teach. Mr. Bennett is in his 2nd year of teaching and using technology to teach his students. Mr. Bennett uses what is known as reverse instructions for his class. Mr.Bennett teaches with lessons that he has prepared with technology, which means that he has electronically prepared before actually going into the classroom. This method allows him to spend more time with students and less time worrying if he has covered all the required materials mandated by the education system. It also provides the students with knowledge of what technology there is that will help them excel.
The Thinking Stick blog is by Jeff Utecht. He is an international educator, educational technology consultant, and author that teaches in Middle East Asia. The first blog post I was assigned to comment was "Standards and Benchmarks are Crap."
Mr. Utecht has had an opinion for awhile but refrained from speaking his thoughts because it was not expressed my many others. He goes on to tell that one day in conversation his thoughts of Standards and Benchmark became public knowledge.
I love this comment in his post:
Here's ISB's Definition of Learning:
Learning is the primary focus of our school and we recognize learning as a life-long adventure. We value meaningful learning where students construct enduring understanding by developing and applying knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Increased understanding is evidenced by students who:
* Explain its relevance
* Describe how it connects to or conflicts with prior learning
* Communicate it effectively to others
* Generalize and apply it effectively to new situations
* Reflect critically on their own and other's learning
* Ask questions to extend learning
* Create meaningful solutions
Post 2
I had never heard of "reverse instruction" before reading Mr.Utecht's blog.In his post titled "Flipping for Mr. Bennett" he tells about a teacher is has watched teach. Mr. Bennett is in his 2nd year of teaching and using technology to teach his students. Mr. Bennett uses what is known as reverse instructions for his class. Mr.Bennett teaches with lessons that he has prepared with technology, which means that he has electronically prepared before actually going into the classroom. This method allows him to spend more time with students and less time worrying if he has covered all the required materials mandated by the education system. It also provides the students with knowledge of what technology there is that will help them excel.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Summary C4K 4-6
It has been really interesting for me to read the blogs of the students I have been assigned to. The subject that 2 out of 3 has really impressed me. One of the students I have blogged is in the 4th grade in a school in Birmingham. This is the first year that the class has blogged and learned more in detail about technology. The student I blogged had embedded his first video that he made. A great laugh for someone triple his age that has also embedded her first video this year.
The other two however have had a completely different approach. The subject they both tell about is so called forbidden in our public school system. This subject supposedly goes against the freedom of some which I HIGHLY disagree. One of the students begins by making you think he telling us his story about building a model car. He goes on to say that his dad is wanting him to wait for a day they have more time and he pleads his case that he is just excited. His father then explains to him that great things take time even though most people want things done quickly regardless of what could be overlooked or done better with more time. His father used the example of God building the world. WOW! I was so excited to know that elementary aged children are not scared, ashamed or forbidden to express a believe that is so special for so many of us.
Then my last student I am to tell about is my 6th CAC blog. Rachel wrote that many of her classmates was scared to go to school on the day of they were teaching a lesson about God because they did not know anything about him. She encouraged others by quoting Matthew 9:35. I am so thankful that I have been able to see these kids blogs and know that God is still present in schools.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Blog Post #9
There is hardly anyone who can honestly say they are not nervous about their first teaching in front of a class and fellow teachers. We all fear the critiques and judgments we will hear. We want the “perfect lesson” just like Mr. McClung wrote about on his blog. We all dread recovering from mistakes that we haven’t even made yet. Mr. McClung writes about his first year of teaching on his blog. He tells what he experienced and learned in his first year of teaching.
How to read a crowd….. When you first read this you probably thought of reading adults, I did. Mr. McClung learned that it is not the adults in the room that you are teaching in that you should be focused on, it is the children. After all, is it not the children you are teaching? I haven’t taught yet in a classroom but can certainly understand it. It is very important to not loose focus of why you are there and who should really have your attention and who should give you feedback on your performance. He also mentions to be flexible, communicate and be reasonable. These are all great tips from someone who has walked in shoes you are about to put on. In life things rarely go as planned or scheduled no matter how much intense effort we put in it, a classroom is no different.
He also touches on technology and that everyone should explore technology. We can only gain more knowledge from it! I would bet there is not a person that can say they regret learning or did not benefit from multimedia. Our students are why we are or are going to be teachers. We have to be more than there just to teach we have to listen to them.
Blog Post #8
Dr. Richard E. Miller made 2 videos that discuss how writing has changed and how it will change tremendously in the future. He mentions how today we are part of an evolution concerning “writing” that can be considered one of the most historical transformations ever. People of this era will be effected by the changes that media writing and how they obtain information. Books will be basically obsolete in the world that Dr. Miller describes. Printed documents will become online web based documents. Technology will give the way for electronic images, text, collaboration and production in all areas of communication, teaching and learning.
The younger generation of today is being raised with so many technological gadgets that they most likely do not even know that research was actually done in libraries at one time. Disney channel advertises on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (I am sure on all shows) for children to get their parents to help them find stories and games online. Disney is even directing my 3 year old to the computer for education not books. It is understandable why they feel more comfortable with computers and exploring.
As a future teacher I understand how necessary it is to be technology literate and open to new ways to teaching. There are endless resources for an educator, parent and student with multimedia. While it is terrifying to me to be dependant on technology as our main resource for education it is inevitable that our world will be that way. It is like a double edge sword in a since. We have everything at our fingertip, literally the keyboard, with access to websites, videos, blogs, You Tube and Twitter to name a few. We can connect to a finite number of people around the world; have up to the second information about anything happening in our universe while sitting at our home. I did not grow up with computers like children.
Exploring blogs, twitter, facebook, websites, PLN’s, symbaloo, podcast, and other multimedia resources is something I am learning at 35. (Half of those things are not even in my dictionary, Ha!) There are children in kindergarten that already have these things as assignments, which tells me how far behind I am. I was asked if I was prepared to write multimedia, that answer is NO. I am not ready now but I WILL BE. I was also asked if my students will be ready to write multimedia. I think that by the time a student reaches 6th grade they will be able to. Due to the economy and the budgets our school system is forced to function on it is not realistic that our schools will be equipped to teach strictly with multi media. While students will most likely learn majority of their computer knowledge at home or in elective (limited time) classes they will be able to benefit from the increase in communication it provides.
Chipper: Many people feel that procrastination is acceptable like Jaimelynn said in this video. Those people tend to do the bare minimum because of the lack of time allowed to perfect their work. While their intention may be good their work reflects the efforts.
EDM310 for Dummies: I can certainly relate to all the emotions they showed in the video honestly. I have been down and crazy at times. EDM310 could really be written and I bet majority of the class would buy it. The only thing that makes EDM310 difficult is being scared to try new things.
Learn to Change; Change to learn! This video is amazing. Technology is something people are scared to explore for what ever reason. The students of today's classes do not know any different than functioning with technology. One of the most valid points in the video for me was the valid point that the way students communicate is not allowed in schools. Communication is a key to being a successful person regardless of your career. What since does it make to not allow students to productively explore the ways of communication that they are being raised with. Everyone has to learn that change is inevitable. We are left with no choice but to change with the times to be able to learn.
My PLN status
If any of you reading are like me, I did not know what a PLN was when I first read it. I am in an EDM310 at the University of South Alabama, which is class about technology. A PLN is a personal learning network. It is a combination of accumulated resources that a person can go to help them learn about things. I will be completely honest and confess that I am not as technology literate as I should and want to be. However, after being assigned to watch a You Tube video of a girl in middle school and her experience with her established PLN, I became curious. I have been assigned since the beginning of my class to be working on my PLN but just really did not grasp how useful it could really be until watching the video.
Twitter has become very useful and informative about teaching connections. I used to think You Tube was for recreational entertainment WOW was I wrong. It is just as much for education as entertainment. Google Docs is also probably the most useful tool I have learned about.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Blog Post 7
Randy Pausch without doubt has cause to be respected and admired by everyone! He continued to be passionate about his desire to achieve and educate. He suffered from horrific health issues including cancer yet remained motivated enough to travel giving lectures. Mr. Pausch’s lectures reveals a lot about himself and why he wants to others to have opportunities if desired enough. He even references “self reflection” in his last lecture.
During his last lecture he tells about someone calling him and asking him to lunch. He knew the person was making up an excuse to call and ask him to go but figured he should go and at least here what could be said. He did not see things in many ways as this person did. During his lecture he says “You need to know when you are in a pissing match and know when to get out.” He tells that the person was annoying him but everyone should realize that if you “give people and hour and they will impress you.” Mr. Pausch seemed to find in good or at least a learning experience in every situation. This quality is what has him the ability to be such a good influence and mentor to others.
Randy Pausch left a legacy of diverse teaching programs, such as head fake and Alice.
He also left such an inspirational impact on not only those whom he taught, lectured to but continues to do so with his video lectures. He stressed how important it was for children to have parents and mentors in their lives. One of things he said that I will not forget is “When we are connected to others, we become better people.”
I think often people who strive for something particular and do not achieve it find themselves as failures. Randy Pausch puts what some consider failure in a totally different perspective. He said that “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” This is absolutely the truth. I hope more people learn this. Just because you do not end up with what you tried for does not mean you did not get something. Experience will make you wiser! Mr. Pausch lectures was an experience I had no expectations for and I have finished watching it with a lot learned.
During his last lecture he tells about someone calling him and asking him to lunch. He knew the person was making up an excuse to call and ask him to go but figured he should go and at least here what could be said. He did not see things in many ways as this person did. During his lecture he says “You need to know when you are in a pissing match and know when to get out.” He tells that the person was annoying him but everyone should realize that if you “give people and hour and they will impress you.” Mr. Pausch seemed to find in good or at least a learning experience in every situation. This quality is what has him the ability to be such a good influence and mentor to others.
Randy Pausch left a legacy of diverse teaching programs, such as head fake and Alice.
He also left such an inspirational impact on not only those whom he taught, lectured to but continues to do so with his video lectures. He stressed how important it was for children to have parents and mentors in their lives. One of things he said that I will not forget is “When we are connected to others, we become better people.”
I think often people who strive for something particular and do not achieve it find themselves as failures. Randy Pausch puts what some consider failure in a totally different perspective. He said that “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” This is absolutely the truth. I hope more people learn this. Just because you do not end up with what you tried for does not mean you did not get something. Experience will make you wiser! Mr. Pausch lectures was an experience I had no expectations for and I have finished watching it with a lot learned.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
C4T #2
Bryan Jack is an extraordinary teacher I have been assigned to blog. He is very adventurous in his assignment with his students. He strives to get them to think outside the box and relate things to themselves. His ideas of creativity are inspiring to me as a student and future teacher. He urges his students to not only understand but relate to history. He wants them to voice their take on things as if the actions were during their time period.
Everyone really needs to go check out his blog!!!
His sister saw this poem written on a wall in Saskatoon during summer of 2010, and brought a copy of it back to share with others. Jack carried a copy around for a long time then made a song of it. It is very inspirational and I can see why he has done so. His sister also took pictures of where the poem was written to allow you to reflect on the setting of the where she found it. It was written on a brick wall in a public stairwell that lead s to an open place. Some may consider it graffiti but as you can see it is much more than that.
What is said in the song that Jack has published on his blog is true. If more people reflected on what they have within themselves they could stop chasing so many other things. I think most people do not realize that we have to find things for ourselves within ourselves. Others can help us find it but we have to have it for them to find. It motivates everyone to find things, search for more, and know that good can be found.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Blog Post #6
“The Networked Student” by Wendy Drexter was very interesting to hear from a perspective as a younger student since these are the same type resources I am learning about in my college EDM 310 class. I have been so consumed with learning them as a teacher’s tool I have not stopped long enough to think about students using them as teachers. The video references websites, wiki, itunes, blogs, skype, and virtual textbooks. These are just the surface of technology resources discussed in the video.
As a future teacher and a current student, I feel that teachers are more important now than ever. Students have so many more resources and options for careers today, that most will never realize. While many can surf the web and find information they still need mentoring and guidance to know where to go with the information they get. Teacher’s face more diversity in classrooms than before. The vast amount of technology resources such as what was discussed in the video will help them adapt to all the needs of there students. Regardless of the amount of information students have access to via technology they still have to be taught verbal and personable communication skills. One of the most disadvantages of learning through technology is that a student is not able to learn through the various forms of art education hands on.
I have taken most of my college classes online. I can certainly relate to the 7th grader who’s you tube video I watched. The student tells that she gets her assignments online and completes them online. She even mentioned of one subject that was paperless. I would venture to say that 95% of my online classes have been paperless as well. The only exception would be for the test we had to go on campus to take.
I understand her freedom of time and accountability to do assignments. I found online classes to be beneficial to me because of my lack to time to attend class. I do think I could have possibly learned more having been in a class with a teacher and other students to discuss or watch them. The 7th grader in the video seemed to have both, freedom and participation advantage.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Blog Post #5
The video "The benefits of podcasting in the classroom” effectively demonstrates the benefits that so many people can get from these types of videos. I had not realized the maximum potential of podcast until now. It makes learning more accessible for everyone including teachers, students, and parents. It is also very resourceful for students whom are audible as well as visual learners. This is a very effective tool with so many regards to keeping everyone update with what is going on the classroom.
The Education Podcast Network was very helpful about all aspects of podcast. It gives detailed information about what a podcast is, how to do it and has numerous other podcast for you to view. It has examples for all grade levels which is very helpful when trying to decide how detailed or simple you should go when making a podcast yourself. I would surely recommend this sight for anyone who is making a podcast or is stumped and needs guidance.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Blog Post #4
Scott McLeod wants to live in a perfect innocent world. He tries to encourage people to avoid contact between children and technology. He details many of the bad things that children can possibly be exposed to. I think what he is suggesting on his post is very simple minded and not reality. As teachers and most importantly parents we have to decide what is best for our children, often leaving us to decide between the less of two evils. There is nothing I can think of that does not have some kind of negative potential.I could only encourage parents to explore technology with their children in a supervised setting. Preventing children from exploring and learning will cause more harm than good, they will be isolated from the reality of life as we are becoming.
Well... ischool???? I think the concept is quite impressive and overwhelming. I do not think that the idea of "ischool" which is similar to professional networking in ipod, twitter and other technology is very practical in our economy any time in the near future. Our country is not even able to pay teachers in fact they are cutting teachers, sports and many other programs for children, which is heart breaking.
The idea could be cost effective if our economy was booming and profits were allowing for increases in basic school budgets. I understand how it could possibly save money but the purchase,teaching/learning and up keep would also be expensive.
Majority of families in the US live below poverty and can not afford such technology items to be able to participate in the evolution.
I often look at what we push for our children to achieve. Most often it is professional intelligence, monetary gain and self assurance. What is most important is too often assumed or overlooked. The video "The Lost Generation" is about exactly that. We focus so much on moving forward and personal gain that we do not stop or even slow down to see what principles we should be embracing as individuals not just professionals.
The slide was moving forward with words and with only self gain at all cost in mind. Then the slides slow down and go backwards reflecting on what is the base of all good. Time, natural resources and most importantly family.
The Virtual Choir is chilling to think about in depth. ALL those people in ALL those places at the same time with being united as one musical unity is humbling.
This shows the positive,resourceful and beneficial aspects of technology in the art form of music.
Teaching in the 21st Century will surely be different from what we got from educators in school. It will be a teachers job to teach children technology and skills for life. There seems to be such an urgency to fill classrooms with computers and other electronic devises that most of the skills for basic life is being forgotten. One of the most harmful things that technology does to students and everyone else) is take away the practical day to day functioning lessons. People need to learn how to process the information they obtain from technology resources. They will need to be able to know how to get accurate information and the steps to process it to get the best solution for them possible. This is what teachers role will be in the 21st century in addition to teaching regular required materials.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Blog Post #3
A Vision of Students Today is not the first video I have watched that gives shocking static’s and thoughts of college aged students today. It is still shocking to watch no matter how many times you watch. We can never foresee the future and how things will be, technology is the best example. I attended Bishop Community College and South Alabama in 1994-1996. It is very different from my experience this time in college.
Terms papers were written in the library by researching in books, encyclopedias, and spending hour looking through book pages. NEVER now would catch a student looking in an encyclopedia. Most probably do not know what that is. The search engine on the web has eliminated that way of learning. I would be curious know how many students have actually ever typed on a typewriter.
My experiences in college recently have surely been more accommodating with the use of technology. It is so scary to me how quickly things change such as jobs in demand. What if people become as obsolete as some of the learning tools as just have the rate as technology advances?
Kelly Hines wrote "It's Not About the Technology" and every teacher should read it. She explains the importance of teachers being not just aware of technology but being able to use and teach it effectively in the classroom. I agree with her entire story. Everyone is teachers and learners regardless of their age. Many teachers learn things from their students. It is not just the "teacher" in classroom that teaches or learns. Technology is the fasting changing subject in any classroom anywhere.
Teachers need to be aware of what is available to them to be able to teach to their best ability. Teachers also need to know so that they can tell (teach) their students that information and resources is endless for any topic.
Teacher’s knowledge of as many resources as possible will also make their ability to adapt to different teaching methods.
I enjoyed reading the blog assignment written by Karl Fisch, Is It Okay to Be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher? I personally do not think so. In our world that changes almost weekly with new gadgets it is essential that as educators that we are aware of what is available. While we all can agree that everything including technology has its positive and negative issues, we can not deny that the more resources we have available the better off we are.
As teachers, we should be able to enlighten to students what is available and the basic functions. Since technology is changing at an unbelievable pace it is understandable that we may not be able to answer all questions about programs, devices, etc. but we should be at least aware and willing to learn. Regardless of what we think individually it is inevitable that we and children are going to be forced to work on/with them. Perhaps it is that some are scared of what they don't know, but in reality it is what we don't know that can hinder us.
The Social Media Count by Gary Hayes is incomprehensible. I think it would be interesting if he could show the categories increases and decreases. The figures posted could in fact actuality could be true but those figures are not the end of the story. I think it would be possible to give an even greater realization to the
epidemic of technology growth by showing the number of accounts closed, video's deleted, etc.
The web has had such a profound impact on all aspects of life. I think the more technology education taught to students the greater impact it can have as more of a professional/educational resource verse being primarily a social network to many. The perception of the web networks, ex. Facebook and Twitter, as being a negative social evolution could be in part what causes parents to be cautious of their children learning in school. If the functions/programs and resources of computers were taught in school as a necessity to be productive such as being able to read and write then parents may be more acceptable to their children learning. Teachers themselves will be more apt to learn and keep up with the new technology. It is inevitable that children in high school now will have to be computer literate when going into the work force.
Terms papers were written in the library by researching in books, encyclopedias, and spending hour looking through book pages. NEVER now would catch a student looking in an encyclopedia. Most probably do not know what that is. The search engine on the web has eliminated that way of learning. I would be curious know how many students have actually ever typed on a typewriter.
My experiences in college recently have surely been more accommodating with the use of technology. It is so scary to me how quickly things change such as jobs in demand. What if people become as obsolete as some of the learning tools as just have the rate as technology advances?
Kelly Hines wrote "It's Not About the Technology" and every teacher should read it. She explains the importance of teachers being not just aware of technology but being able to use and teach it effectively in the classroom. I agree with her entire story. Everyone is teachers and learners regardless of their age. Many teachers learn things from their students. It is not just the "teacher" in classroom that teaches or learns. Technology is the fasting changing subject in any classroom anywhere.
Teachers need to be aware of what is available to them to be able to teach to their best ability. Teachers also need to know so that they can tell (teach) their students that information and resources is endless for any topic.
Teacher’s knowledge of as many resources as possible will also make their ability to adapt to different teaching methods.
I enjoyed reading the blog assignment written by Karl Fisch, Is It Okay to Be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher? I personally do not think so. In our world that changes almost weekly with new gadgets it is essential that as educators that we are aware of what is available. While we all can agree that everything including technology has its positive and negative issues, we can not deny that the more resources we have available the better off we are.
As teachers, we should be able to enlighten to students what is available and the basic functions. Since technology is changing at an unbelievable pace it is understandable that we may not be able to answer all questions about programs, devices, etc. but we should be at least aware and willing to learn. Regardless of what we think individually it is inevitable that we and children are going to be forced to work on/with them. Perhaps it is that some are scared of what they don't know, but in reality it is what we don't know that can hinder us.
The Social Media Count by Gary Hayes is incomprehensible. I think it would be interesting if he could show the categories increases and decreases. The figures posted could in fact actuality could be true but those figures are not the end of the story. I think it would be possible to give an even greater realization to the
epidemic of technology growth by showing the number of accounts closed, video's deleted, etc.
The web has had such a profound impact on all aspects of life. I think the more technology education taught to students the greater impact it can have as more of a professional/educational resource verse being primarily a social network to many. The perception of the web networks, ex. Facebook and Twitter, as being a negative social evolution could be in part what causes parents to be cautious of their children learning in school. If the functions/programs and resources of computers were taught in school as a necessity to be productive such as being able to read and write then parents may be more acceptable to their children learning. Teachers themselves will be more apt to learn and keep up with the new technology. It is inevitable that children in high school now will have to be computer literate when going into the work force.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
CAT #1
Jan. 30, 2011
I have been assigned This website has opened my eye to the vast resources of free education available to all people. I am amazed at the broad range of communication and the various ways things are translated. Mary Worrell is a newspaper reporter turned teacher who studies abroad on a limited income and has no end to her free classes/workshops and cyber conferences.
Feb. 03, 2011
Mary Worrell is debating "Does the suit make the teacher?" According to her perhaps it may. She attended a workshop and was amazed at the range of attire that the others attending wore. She has learned that in the US that we do not dress as "professional" as other countries. It was mentioned on her blog that teachers are professionals and should be treated as such. I do not completely agree that a person (teacher) should be treated based on their attire. I think teachers should be approachable for the children. A teachers dress code should depend on the school dress code. I feel that teachers should be in sequence to what the students wear.
Photo Credit:,
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Blog Assignment #2
Did you know? 3.0
This was a very interesting video with lots of information. Did you know?3.0 gives many numbers related to where we are and where we are expected to be in several years from now in regards to technology. I think some of the static’s used could perhaps be a little inflated to emphasize a point.
It was shocking yet believable that the 10 most in demand jobs did not exist 6 years ago. The fact that things are growing at such a fast pace does make it almost impossible for people to keep up and learn the capabilities of products. While it is very fascinating at the massive volume of information it is also amazing at how much more information is becoming available.
Mr.Winkle Wakes
The video about Mr. Winkle is true on so many levels. It reflects the disadvantages that children are not taught what is going on in the real world. For many years the majority of what is taught in schools is information based primarily on textbook facts and not enough on what is actually going to make children function in the real world.
The traditional learning methods may be what many are comfortable with but the reality of what children need to know to do has changed and will be forever changing. Technology is will be in the hands of every person in some fashion regardless of the career so it should be taught in the schools.
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
WOW!!! His speech was GREAT and so true. Several of his thoughts and concerns is what has brought me to my decision to be a teacher. I fear the boundaries that I will be faced with as a teacher to teach text book material and guideline standards that I will be responsible for implementing on my students. This is often what causes the lack of creativity time to be dismissed and overlooked.
I LOVE the fact that Mr. Robinson's speech reflects that not all that makes the world go round is head smart people. Students being able to think outside of the box not just inside it is what allows them and others to explore. Exploration is where new things are learned. I could not agree more that arts should be just as important as other subjects. All children are created equal and should be given equal opportunity to grow in what areas they desire to ultimately become more productive adults. Not all children like/love the primary subjects in schools, while they do provide an foundation they do always provide stimulating thinking or understand from all students.
Cecelia Gault
The general idea of what children believe to be "intelligence" in today's world has nothing to do with creativity. Children have been taught since the first day of class that school is about academic achievement. Their minds have been guided to memorization tactics and away from open minded creativity exploration.
I will try as a teacher to make sure that my students understand that intelligence is not just about being able to remember and understand facts but also how important it is for them to create new ideas. Mr. Robinson said that children are "diverse, dynamic and distinct. I believe that their education should be also.
Vicki Harness: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
This video was great at showing us that children need to be exposed to the world of technology and the opportunities that it can provide. It was evident from the video that the geographic location of those students and the small population could have been an obstacle that prevented some of the student from being able to learn so many things. The access to technology and a teacher to help them will show them how much is available in the world.
It was also wonderful that they stated that teachers do not have to know everything about something to teach it. Since there is so much technology and it changes so quickly it would be outdated if we waited to teach when we knew it all.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hi Everyone! I will begin introducing myself by letting you know that I am usually always going in 3 directions at once. The things that my world revolves around are my husband and 2 children. My children are complete opposite, my son is 12 and my daughter is 3. I work full time as an interior decorator for a company I have been employed with for over 10 years and have also attend school full time for the last year.
I am extremely thankful that my schedule has always been flexible enough to allow me to pick up my son from school and attend all his school functions. This is in part why I am at this transition point in my life. I want to be able to do the same things with my daughter.
I have always lived in Mobile, AL with the exception of 2 years (age 13-15) which I lived in California. That experience gave my first hand knowledge of social-culture SHOCK! It was the hardest time of my life but reflecting back now it was one of the greatest life experiences. It allowed me to witness and be exposed things that otherwise I would have likely never known existed. What I learned during those years is what makes me want to travel to see so many other places in this world. I want my children to know that other ways of life exist and how other societies function.
I attended USA in 1996-98 and now have returned to finish my degree in Elementary Education. Most people have teachers that leave a life time impression on them and inspire them for future things from adolescent years. It was not until I was a parent that I realized the full impact of what and who teachers are to children. Children's energy, creativity, and enthusiasm inspire me to find those things within myself. My son is the typical boy that likes his school but not the work. His need to be driven and the past experience of his wonderful caring teachers have given me the drive to pursue my career as an elementary teacher.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
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